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Miracle Monday: Lucas

Happy #MiracleMonday!

Today we are going to start this Monday off by meeting 7-year-old Lucas. He was diagnosed with severe allergies, epilepsy, Eosenophalic Esophogitis, and Jobe’s Syndrome. Jobe’s Syndrome is a rare condition that makes him very susceptible to infections. He has 60 pages worth of allergies, which also increase his infections, so he has spent much of his life in the hospital. However, when Lucas was 4, he was finally able to play a sport for the first time! Let’s learn some more fun facts about Lucas.

  1. What is your favorite color? Royal blue
  2. What is your favorite food? McDonald’s cheeseburger happy meal
  3. What is your favorite movie? Batman vs. Ninja Turtles
  4. Who is your favorite Disney princess/ super hero/ athlete? My brothers
  5. What is your favorite holiday? Christmas
  6. Where is your favorite place to be/travel to? Cruises
  7. What do you enjoy doing in your free time? Riding my dirt bike and cooking with Mom
  8. What is your favorite game to play? Baseball
  9. What are three words to describe you? Incredible, strong, and loving
  10. What is something you want people to know about your experience/ diagnosis/ condition? It doesn’t define me!

Thanks for letting us get to know you Lucas!

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